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The latest news and views from the Bennetts team

Featuring the latest news on the coffee industry and business insight from senior members of the Bennetts team.

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Cupping with Cafe Granja La Esperanza

Join us for an evening of cupping and Q&A with special guests Hernando Tapsaco and Felipe Paz from the award winning Colombian producer Cafe Granja La Esperanza on Thursday 19 March.

We are proud to be hosting our exclusive producer partners from Cafe Granja La Esperanza whilst they are in Melbourne during MICE. We will be holding an industry cupping and information evening the week after the festivities, offering the opportunity to meet with Hernando and Felipe and cup new crop samples.

The Cafe Granja La Esperanza farms are amongst the most progressive and experimental plantations in the world. The quality control practices at Granja La Esperanza are based on three pillars; genetic material of the variety, the terrior, and human talent. They have strict quality control procedures, 95 hurdles to be exact, in place to ensure consistently excellent cup quality. This comprehensive investment of time, energy and human resources can only come about through total dedication, of which the Granja La Esperanza team are committed 100 percent. The Granja La Esperanza philosophy combines quality of the cup, quality of the environment, and quality of life for its workers and the greater community. 

We hope you can join us for this exciting event!

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