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Featuring the latest news on the coffee industry and business insight from senior members of the Bennetts team.

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Brazil Origin Update

Coffee culture and sustainability go hand in hand, and it couldn’t be more evident than at Fazenda Monte Alto in Brazil.

Fazenda Monte Alto Patio

This family farm has a long history producing coffee for more than 136 years, and being currently in the ninth generation’s hands. The first recorded harvest was in 1880, done by the family’s first generation. The family’s patriarch was an important and well-known figure, called “Barão de Guaxupé” (the town’s Baron – or Baron of Guaxupé).

Located within a mountainous area, the agriculture operation is 70% manually developed. More than 30 families live and work on the property; most of them are descendants of the previous residents of the farm.


Yellow Bourbon                   Raised Beds                    Pulp Natural on Patio

Social projects on the farm are being improved on a daily basis. The administration provides many classes to the residents, such as cuisine and computer lessons, judo, horseback riding and fun activities for the kids. There is a library available and a small playground.
The main focus of the farm however is on environmental sustainability. Around 30% of the area is dedicated to forest reserves, where there is a protected Jequitibá tree, estimated to be one hundred years old.

Water conservation is the next step in their environmental policy, so when processing the coffee, de-pulping and washing is done in centrifugal machines that use very little or no water at all. The machines spin the coffee with such force that the mucilage is literally spun off the beans and captured by the centrifuge. The coffee beans are spread on cement patios in layers as thin as possible at the highest altitude to ensure perfect drying. Microlots are processed and dried on African beds.
This year, Monte Alto made their biggest advancement in environmental technology by installing a photovoltaic system to generate green energy. These solar panels power the whole farm including the family’s homes. Together with water maintenance, the farm is almost self-sufficient.

Fazenda Monte Alto 2020 Solar Panels

Although Fazenda Monte Alto has already been around for many generations, we believe with advancements like this, they will be around for many more generations to come.

Happy Roasting,
The Bennetts Team

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